Last call for flight 2234 departing from Luther Home and arriving in Hawaii!!! Seeing as though we cannot travel to Hawaii we decided to bring Hawaii to Luther Home. Kathryn gave out airline tickets and boarding passes before being whisked away on their Hawaiian journey, complete with a Hawaii stamped Passport upon arrival. Kathryn showed a comical plane safety video and a video that made us feel like we were actually landing, turbulence and all. Followed by a travelogue video all about Hawaii and the movie “Just go with It” which was filmed in Hawaii. The recreation team and Kathryn decorated the home and it felt like we were in Hawaii. Staff and residents all dressed up in their best Hawaiian attire, one Staff really got into the Spirit wearing a coconut bra and grass skirt! Chris from recreation brought pictures from her Hawaiian trip and showed it on our main TV in Recreation. The day would not be complete with out some Elvis in Hawaii, which we played in the lounges, and served strawberry cheesecake and tropical punch. The Sunshine Committee handed out Hawaiian Tropical air fresheners for the staff with “MAHALO” meaning Thanks and “PAKANA LA” meaning Sunshine. All in all the Residents and Staff had such a fabulous day, many commented that it brought back wonderful memories from when they travelled with their families, it was a great distraction from the real world. As you can see by the pictures and videos everyone had a great time. Who knows what destination we will travel to next, wherever it may be we will need to check the luggage as we had some Staff stowaways on this flight!
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