Current News
In honour of Luther Home’s 50th Anniversary we have a “Lift Our Spirits” fundraiser. Our goal is $100,000, which will be used to redecorate each of our Residents rooms, and to set up a transportation fund to enable Residents to attend events outside of Luther Home whose budgets do not allow for such extras.
Please click HERE to view a letter from the Fundraising Committee of Luther Home
During our Anniversary year, any donations of $750 and higher will receive a special 50th Anniversary “Bower” tile as a thank you .
50th Anniversary Fundraising Opportunities

""The Bower"
This Ceramic Tile Design Depicts The Songbird Resting Safely & Securely in its Tree Top Home. The Surrounding Heart Shaped Leaves Symbolized Loving Care & Protection
Design by Paul H. Toews 2019
Decorative Tiles
$15.00 each
2 for $25.00

Donation Opportunities
If anyone is interested in making a donation to Luther Home, they have the following options available:
In person at the front office of Luther Home during regular business hours Monday to Friday 9:00am – 4:00pm. Donations can be made by cash, cheque or credit card.
Donations can also be made by credit card on our website through Canada Helps. Any donations over $10.00 will receive a tax receipt.
Click below to donate now
Past Event

Luther Home hosted a fundraiser featuring “Sisters of the Holy Rock” on Sunday October 6th at 7:00pm. The event was held at Seven Oaks Performing Arts Centre (Garden City Collegiate). The event was a huge success and we thank everyone who was able to come down and support!!.
All money raised from this event will go towards the “Lift our Spirits” fundraising campaign, travel costs for Recreation outings and Chaplaincy.
Past Projects
Click on images below to view