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1080 Powers has 41 one-bedroom suites.

All suites in 1080 Powers are wheelchair accessible. 1080 Powers has 6 floors with 8 suites per floor. Each suite is approximately 550 square feet. The dining area is located on the main floor. Laundry services are operated by Coinamatic. A smart card is used to operate the machines.
1080 Powers is a subsidized elderly person housing project.
The rent is based on income. Rent is calculated as 30% of monthly household income. There is no maximum rent.
Meal Program
Each tenant is required to be on the monthly meal program as part of their tenancy. This entitles them to one meal per day.
Tenants are responsible to pay for amenities as follows:
Hydro – $12.00 per month
Carpet – $10.00 per month
Parking (if required) – $38.00 per month
Damage Deposit
Damage Deposit is one half of the monthly rental rate.
If you have any questions or require additional information, please call 204-336-5391
To download a housing application click below
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